Boosting productivity: ADA assists a biotech firm, saving time through improved contract management
The Results
The Execution
In the fast-paced realm of biotechnology, strategic decision-making is imperative for success. Our client, a prominent biotechnology company, is dedicated to pioneering scientific advancements to deliver life-saving medicines to those in need.
However, amidst their commitment to innovation, they faced a significant operational challenge: effectively managing contracts across diverse categories.
Recognizing the need for data-driven insights to streamline contract processing, our client sought to implement a robust Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard. This dashboard would offer a comprehensive overview of contract categories and processing times, enabling informed decisions to optimize efficiency and drive operational excellence.
The Approach
We developed a Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard that offers a comprehensive overview of contract categories and processing times, enabling informed decisions to optimize efficiency and drive operational excellence, including matrix on
Contract Management Dashboard
Summary of Contract by Status.
Distribution of contract across owner organization.
Contract distribution & USD value across business category.
Dynamic charts whose X axis changes based on selection.
Average Processing Time
Target metric for the dashboard.
Track Average Processing time across Contract Owner Org, Workflow stage.
Contract Value Growth over time.
Contract Value Growth over time and contract category.
Dashboard Visualizations Examples
Reduced Processing Time at the Contract Review Phase
Focus Improvement & Automation
Easier identification of critical contract groups & corresponding processing time. Automated report refresh with no manual effort & zero errors