Case Studies

We helped our client to effectively reactivate dormant customers using Data, AI, and Tech​

Data & AI

Discover how ADA’s Data, AI, and Tech unlock dormant customers by optimizing targeting, enhancing cost-efficiency, and driving successful reactivation campaign.

The Results​



The Execution

Our client, a franchisee of global fast-food chains with more than 1,000 restaurants across SEA, has a significant number of dormant customers and wants to reactivate them through effective and cost-efficient campaigns. However, the client is facing a big challenge to analyse the customer behaviours due to data being stored in silos. ​

We unified client’s data across different sources under a centralized database and conducted a series of exploratory data analysis (univariate analysis, customer segmentation rule identification, bivariate analysis and trend analysis) to provide actionable insights into customer behavior and optimise segment targeting for an effective and cost-efficient customer reactivation campaigns.​

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